
just a check in here... wait a minute, let me change the music, shpongle makes me write really wierd... heh well i changed it to sheet one, not much better as far as getting points across in a more normal way. anyways. music is going well for me, i got another track on the way but as usual it takes me for fucking ever to get one finished. i usually wake up the morning after and feel like throwing the computer out the window because i can't believe that i spent my entire night working on something that i thought was so good only to listen to it again and realize what crap it really is. maybe i should start saving tracks or refusing to get mad at them and keep working with them until i am happy with them. it is probably better for my sanity and pocketbook since destroying a mac is a pricey endeavour. i am happy with this one though, i think that i may be onto something here, well i havn't gotten really mad at it yet and deleted it from my harddrive so i will take that as a blessing. i am moving the day after tomorrow into a new house that should be really condusive to me working more on music. this is good. it is wierd to be of one mind all day every day. i am always innondated with music in one way or another; making, listening, spinning, thinking, all about music, no time for anything else. it makes me feel like a confucianist sometimes. i do however continue to work dilligently as i realize that the only way for me to ever become less dissatisfied in what i make is to work more and more on it. it is slow progress, i guess that is good due to its steadiness but instant gratification is always nice. i guess i am not going to get that here. sorry that it has taken so long to get some music up on here for you all, i am a horrible procrastinator and forget things easily. i swear i will have some stuff as soon as i can. i have been undergoing gear lust lately. good for the fetish bad for rent money. i don't know where else to take this right now so i will cease here. ahoj.

1 comment:

jen said...

i love you.

that's all.